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〇〇は、東京で活動するアーティストである添田奈那と半蔵門ANAGRAや馬喰町BAF Studioをはじめ、現在は東京西荻窪で予約制の鑑賞室HAITSUを運営する細野晃太朗との共同運営のギャラリーです。





〇〇will continue to exhibit one artist.

〇〇focuses on one artist, Soeda, and continues to exhibit only her works. In other words, it is a gallery only for Soeda.

At 〇〇, either the artist or the director will serve customers.
Compared to a regular gallery, there may be extremely few open days, but at 〇〇 we try to communicate with visitors and carefully inform them about the works and the artist.
We believe these are necessary elements to facilitate the viewing experience.

The exhibition will include a mixture of previously exhibited works, new works, products such as T-shirts and art books, video works, three-dimensional works, and studies, all displayed side by side. The exhibition aims to archive not only the work of the moment, but also the artist's life itself, from the past, present, and future, and to continue to update it.

00 is a gallery and a project. We run the gallery, create exhibitions, and engage in dialogue with visitors. We believe that all of this is a single work of art that continues to change.


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